Progress and Possibilities: Trends in Public High School Student Participation with Minnesota’s Dual Credit Programs, 2006-2011

Good news and challenges!

The Center for School Change recently examined trends of Minnesota student participation of Dual (High School/College) Credit opportunities. Our research revealed that participating in Dual Credit opportunities helps students save money and be better prepared for some form of higher education, that more students are participating in Dual Credit, and that the participation gap between students from privilege and poverty is declining. The report also suggests ways to expand opportunities for more students.

The report is titled Progress and Possibilities: Trends in Public High School Student Participation with Minnesota’s Dual Credit Programs, 2006-2011 (PDF).

Paj Ntaub and I  recently had the opportunity to talk briefly with US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.  We shared information in text and video form explaining the value of Dual (High School/College) that has been prepared with US Dept of Ed and Mn Dept of Ed support.

See our other Dual Credit resources including videos in English and Spanish.

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