School Choice (including dual credit, district & chartered public schools)

  • Reports about PSEO and Other Forms of Dual Credit:
  • Students and Families Need to Know about PSEO  This 2015 report examined what percentage of Minnesota districts and charter public schools were following a state law regarding student and family information about Post Secondary Enrollment Options.  The report followed up on legislation that CSC and other groups convinced the 2014 Minnesota legislature to adopt.   The 2015 report found that 90% of a stratified random sample of public schools were NOT providing the required “up to date” information.  Several newspapers wrote editorials citing this report, and the Minnesota Department of Education wrote to all superintendents and chartered public school directors, reminding them of the laws requirements.  A 2016 follow-up, posted below, found that most districts and charters, were following the state law, at least as it relates to providing “up to date” information on their websites.
  • Progress and Problems with PSEO:   This 2016 report was a follow-up to the 2014 Minnesota legislation requiring that families and students receive “up to date” information about Post Secondary Enrollment Options.  This 2016 report studied a stratified random sample of Minnesota district and chartered public schools.  It found that about 90% of them were following the 2014 state law, at least in terms of providing required information on their website.
    thumbnail of PSEO 16 FINAL
  • Dual Credit Opportunity & Equity Indeed, 2020 Report: This report describes a survey of 95  Minnesota district and chartered public schools. The report shows how they are sharing information and weighting various forms of dual credit. It raises serious concerns regarding important state information that is not being shared with students and families, and suggests changes which will produce progress.
    thumbnail of FINAL Dual Credit Opportunity and Equity Indeed
  • Dual Credit Participation Trends in Minnesota, 2010-2018:  This report by CSC consultant Aaliyah Hodge is an update on the report immediately below.  This report shows continued increased in the number and percentage of low income students in Minnesota who are participating in various forms of dual credit.  The report is based on Minnesota Department of Education’s “Rigorous Course Taking Report.”thumbnail of 2000-2016 DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS IN MINNESOTA Participation Rates8.4.17
  • Progress and Possibilities: Trends in Public High School Student Participation with Minnesota’s Dual Credit Programs 2006-2012. This report shows progress and possibilities as the authors ask and answer three key questions. First, what is the value of Dual (high school/college) credit courses? Second, what has happened over the last five years with Minnesota student participation rates in various forms of Dual Credit? Finally, what might be done to encourage more participation in these courses? Trend data comes from the Minnesota Rigorous Course Taking Report.
  • Stretching Minds and Resources: 20 Years of Post Secondary Enrollment Options in Minnesota 2005



  • The report immediately below presents data from the 2001-2002 to the 2021-22 school years in Minnesota. Thus it shows trends over twenty years.  It is an analysis of data available on the Minnesota Department of Education website.  The report was completed in July 2022 by Zeke Jackson, with assistance from Joe Nathan and Aaliyah Hodge.



thumbnail of Charter and District School Demographics 8.25.20

thumbnail of Charter and District School Demographics 8.12.19